
Coca Cola - Encounter

This is a true story. In these hard times we bring together the eldest man with the youngest baby.
Hello Altana.
My name is Josep Mascaro and I am 102 years old.
I’m a lucky guy. Lucky…
For having been born, like you.
For being able to embrace my wife.
For having known my friends and for having been able to say goodbye to them.
Fro still being here.
You will ask yourself what is the reason I’ve come to visit you today.
It’s because most people will say you what a bad moment you’ve chosen to come into the world.
We’re in crisis, that’s not a good thing…
Well, it’ll make you stronger.
I’ve lived worse moments than this one, but in the end, you’ll remember only good things.
Don’t waste time with nonsense, there’s plenty of it, and go and find what makes you happy with you own since time slips away very quickly.
I’ve lived for 102 years and I’ll happily live a few more.
Because I promise you that the only thing you won’t like about life is that life is seem too short.
You’re here to be happy.


我們正經歷一場危機, 這不是什麼好事
好比我經歷過更糟的時代, 但最後你只會留下美好的回憶
別浪費時間在那些無意義的事上 這樣的事還真不少

多去做跟尋求那些讓你開心的事 因為時間都將飛快的溜去
我活了102歲 還會快樂的活一陣子

我像你保證 關於人生只有一件事你不會喜歡
那就是生命太短 要快樂的走下去

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